Title: Kindly Help Me To Solve The Stuttering Issue On DO! Post by: ElmerHahn on May 20, 2022, 01:48:26 PM Hello everyone. I recently installed DO on my Windows 10 PC with the help of a YouTube video tutorial. But the gameplay is not smooth. I am facing random stutters while gaming. Can anyone tell me what could be the issue behind it? Kindly help me to solve the issue.
Title: Re: Kindly Help Me To Solve The Stuttering Issue On DO! Post by: olly on May 20, 2022, 02:24:07 PM Hi and welcome, are you using the dgvoodoo2 and also try disabling your AntiVirus/Firewall.
Title: Re: Kindly Help Me To Solve The Stuttering Issue On DO! Post by: ElmerHahn on May 23, 2022, 01:20:16 PM Thanks for the reply. I am not using the dgvoodoo2 and I don't have much knowledge of those modding kinds of stuff. But after posting here, I searched for this issue on YouTube. One random video and its parent (https://www.thewindowsclub.com/game-stuttering-with-fps-drops) article also suggested disabling Antivirus. I disabled Windows Defender and ran the game. At that time, I had not experienced any stutters. Maybe Windows Defender was causing the issue. Now I can enjoy the gameplay.
Title: Re: Kindly Help Me To Solve The Stuttering Issue On DO! Post by: olly on May 23, 2022, 05:28:37 PM Cool, glad it's working.