Title: A Grudgebringer in Vermintide Post by: Calard of Garamont on October 15, 2020, 07:38:55 PM Hey there :D
I was wondering if you guys knew about the GB/Dark Omen references in Vermintide? The character “Franz Lohner” is supposed to have been a former mercenary. He doesn’t admit it though, and pretends to be a simple tavern owner. Later on in the game, you find him in his pub surrounded by dead Skaven, with a Grudgebringer Cavalry shield lying on the floor. A lot of VT players have since speculated that he might actually be an old Morgan Bernhardt... Even if he isn’t Morgan and just a former GB, this opens up the possibility of characters from Dark Omen and SotHR appearing in future games. Pretty cool I think :) Title: Re: A Grudgebringer in Vermintide Post by: olly on October 15, 2020, 07:46:28 PM I didn't but thanks and that would be awesome.
:) Title: Re: A Grudgebringer in Vermintide Post by: armoured-lemming on July 17, 2021, 11:06:17 AM Funnily enough there is a second reference, one of Sienna's weapons also references Luther Flamestrike.
It's those little details and nods to the past that really made me smile. |