Warhammer Dark Omen Forum

Modifications => 3D Scenery Models => Topic started by: olly on August 07, 2016, 03:34:34 PM

Title: Total War Mods 3d models/textures for 3d Heads and Sprites
Post by: olly on August 07, 2016, 03:34:34 PM
Guide for preparing Total War Mods' 3d models/textures for new Dark Omen 3d Heads & Sprites

1) Download this DOTotalWarMods toolkit and extract

https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsyWBCOxh51ViNVFVi9t4H4u1QZddw?e=ntIdqO (https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsyWBCOxh51ViNVFVi9t4H4u1QZddw?e=ntIdqO)

2) Download and enjoy these 3 fantastic Medieval 2 Total War mods ->

Call of Warhammer/Rage of Gods,
http://www.moddb.com/mods/call-of-warhammer-total-war (http://www.moddb.com/mods/call-of-warhammer-total-war)

The Sundering: Rise of the Witch King
http://www.moddb.com/company/the-sundering-rise-of-the-witch-king (http://www.moddb.com/company/the-sundering-rise-of-the-witch-king)

CoW/Beginning of The End of Times.
http://www.moddb.com/mods/call-of-warhammer-beginning-of-the-end-times (http://www.moddb.com/mods/call-of-warhammer-beginning-of-the-end-times)

They have all kindly granted permission for us to reuse their amazing 3d character models & textures for new 3d heads, sprites and Army Book portraits.  

Look in :\SEGA\Medieval II Total War\mods to locate each mod's resources such as a Chaos Warrior

:\SEGA\Medieval II Total War\mods\The_Sundering\data\unit_models\_units\warhammer\chaos

3) Copy and paste the Chaos_Warrior folder into the Toolkit folder and then copy all its  .texture files into the TexturetoDDS Toolkit folder and double click on


Press Select all .texture button then press the .texture->.dds button

4) Open the new Chaos_Warrior.dds or Khorne_Chaos_warrior.dds in PhotoShop and Save As 24bit .BMP files into the Toolkit folder

5) Copy and paste the Chaos Warrior .mesh files into the MeshToMs3d Toolkit folder and double click on

(ignore any path warning messages)

Select Mesh To Ms3d Converter which will create a new MilkShape 3d file of the Chaos Warrior.

6) Using MilkShape open the new file and go to Materials to select your new .BMP Figure and Attachment Materials/Textures from the Toolkit

7) Using MilkShape remove any unwanted groups such as the multiple heads, weapons and items. (Edit -> Select None and then double click on a group and press Delete)

8 ) Save the MilkShape model into the Toolkit folder by choosing File -> Save As -> and name it ChaosWarrior.ms3d and then also Export as Wavefront .obj

The model is now ready to be used to create sprites & 3d heads by following the new guides below ->  


Title: Re: Total War Mods 3d models/textures for 3d Heads and Sprites
Post by: olly on August 07, 2016, 11:51:52 PM
Guide to using Total War Mods' 3d models/textures for new Dark Omen 3d Heads

Please download this DO3dHead folder and read its DO 3d Head Guide.rtf (work in progress)

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ioxgojk2zbqrc0h/DO%203d%20Head.zip?dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/ioxgojk2zbqrc0h/DO%203d%20Head.zip?dl=0)
