Title: 9000 Orcs $ Goblins ballistas Post by: olor on July 07, 2008, 09:26:47 AM Regiments/Items
Optional: -Shield of Ptolos for Archers instead of Stormsword -Dragon Helm for Balista. Title: Re: 9000 Orcs $ Goblins ballistas Post by: Ghabry on July 07, 2008, 07:57:50 PM That are too much Bolt Throwers, I recommend 3 Rock Lobbers ^^.
And if the enemy is charging you are death really fast, you aren't having any units to block the enemy. (orc boyz suck and goblins also ;)) Title: Re: 9000 Orcs $ Goblins ballistas Post by: bembelimen on July 07, 2008, 08:34:25 PM I think, if you drop the (http://images.dark-omen.org/items/icons/swords/stormsword.png) Stormsword (http://en.dark-omen.org/items/swords/stormsword.html), give the (http://images.dark-omen.org/items/icons/banner/banner_of_wrath.png) Banner of Wrath (http://en.dark-omen.org/items/banner/banner-of-wrath.html) to the Archers and give a (http://images.dark-omen.org/items/icons/banner/banner_of_defiance.png) Banner of Defiance (http://en.dark-omen.org/items/banner/banner-of-defiance.html) to the (http://images.dark-omen.org/troops/greenskins/banner/orc_boyz.png) Orc Boyz (http://en.dark-omen.org/troops/greenskins/orc-boyz.html), you have a good blocker.
Title: Re: 9000 Orcs $ Goblins ballistas Post by: olor on July 08, 2008, 12:28:23 PM I don't like Banner of Defiance ver much (;s), but i will try it.
Spiders - Defend Aganist Bright mage/Necromancer/Vampyre, and flanking enemy machines Yea, i should gave B. of wrath to goblins. I forgoted about One NG Fanatics :s. Now i buyed Big'uns with B. of defiance instead of them and One NG Archers. I buyed also leveld up Boys, and gave them - Horn, and B. Of Arcane warding - Mork's banner, and Shield of ptolos. NG, have now: -B. Of Wrath -Heart of Woe (Deadly with fanatics ;D) I'll try make edited it, but this tags is boooring xD Title: Re: 9000 Orcs $ Goblins ballistas Post by: olor on July 08, 2008, 12:47:28 PM LOL, It says me, i can't modify my post :s.